Hope in Restoration Genealogies as Images of Hope in 1 Chronicles 1–9

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Deirdre N. Fulton Diane Elizabeth Dungan


The theme of hope is evident in many places in Chronicles’ retelling of the history of Israel and Judah. In 1 Chronicles 1–9, the theme of hope is envisioned through long genealogies, beginning with Adam and descending through the children of Jacob/Israel. The Chronicler spends most of the time focusing on the genealogies on Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, but the other tribes find a place within the genealogies as well. Using C. R. Snyder’s model of hope theory, we explore the theme of hope in restoration and consider how the Chronicler envisions hope in postexilic Judah. We consider positive and negative images of hope depicted in the genealogical lists in 1 Chronicles 1–9.

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Research Articles
Author Biography

Diane Elizabeth Dungan, Taylor University

Diane Dungan is an associate professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Taylor University. She completed her Ph.D. at Texas Tech University in Counceling Psychology.